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Description: "Je vous invite à prendre connaissance de ce site, à le consulter et même y collaborer non seulement pour promouvoir la connaissance des plantes insectivores mais aussi pour favoriser leur évolution et leur protection dans leur milieu naturel."
Description: Association anglaise des amateurs de plantes carnivores.
The Society: A registered Charity, the Society was founded in 1978 with the aim of bringing together all those interested in carnivorous plants, both beginners and experts. Membership is open to all individuals and institutions, both amateur and professional.
Description: Im Jahre 1984 von ca. 20 Pflanzenliebhabern gegründet, zählt die Gesellschaft für Fleischfressende Pflanzen im deutschsprachigen Raum e.V., kurz G.F.P.
Description: The Victorian Carnivorous Plant Society Inc. (VCPS) is a society run by a group of dedicated carnivorous plant enthusiasts.It was formed in January 1984 and has published a journal ever since.
The journal has four issues per year and contains articles written by VCPS members (mostly), or are reprinted from the journals ofother similar societies.